Empowering MPIC’s Performance and innovation with strategic consulting and corporate venture capital​

Renoir Consulting and Unison Mining Consulting
Our Global Partner for Mining Industry Consultation.

Against a backdrop of record commodity prices, the demands on the mining sector have never been greater. Rising energy costs, deeper ore mines, more complex ore bodies, social and geopolitical risks — the complexities faced by the players in this industry are multi-faceted. Mining companies remain under exceptional pressure to control costs, heighten efficiency, and improve safety performance.

With environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics becoming a mainstream consideration for the industry, mining companies are expected to take a proactive stance in fighting climate change and embedding ESG ideals into their businesses.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, data science, and automation are also evolving rapidly, creating innovative solutions that can optimise operations. There’s an urgent need to adopt these technologies to drive innovation and create mines of the future, but mining companies face high costs and rocky implementation initiatives.

We work with mining companies to navigate this volatile environment by implementing successful changes to operations and building capabilities that are crucial for them to thrive and succeed.

Renoir Investment Partners Differentiated Approach​

Holistic Expertise Fusion​

Renoir Investment Partners is a combination of top-tier Investment expertise married with niche performance consulting to deliver sustainable solutions for a better future.

Solving Industry-Specific Challenges​

Particularly in the sustainable space, many companies in these sectors struggle to optimize performance and attract investment due to a lack of specialized expertise. Add to that the inertia of scaling growth Tech businesses, the Philippines does not rank high in attractiveness. Renoir Investment Partners have a track record of bringing technology to locations to spur Innovation, technology transfer and boost efficiency.​

Digital Transformation Credentials​

Renoir Investment Partners brings together 30 years of Finance and investment experience in Asia that has focused on identifying key bespoke technology and innovation to assist our partners in their digital transformation.​

Our Approach


Deep networks and experience in sourcing, investing and integrating Growth Technology startups.​


Strong Partnerships with investors, Funds, Institutions of higher learning and market practitioners increase pipeline.​


Pipeline of deals to transform existing businesses.​


Proven global performance management expertise with a highly-rated track record, coupled with a unique understanding of clients' business critical for seamless integration of new technologies.​

Our Case Studies

View our case studies below to learn more about our solutions

Let's connect

Address: Level 35, Two Pacific Place, No. 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong, China

Telephone: +852 2218 7500

Website: renoirgroup.com/investmentpartners

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